Monthly Processes

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Revision as of 16:25, 20 January 2021 by Cody Gallagher (talk | contribs)
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Monthly Process begins with converting daily into monthly data and then using that data to product allocations and reports.

Analyst Overview

Production Entry
Use this section to convert your daily data from pumper into monthly data for regulatory purposes.
Monthly Allocation
After the monthly data has been closed use this section to allocate the monthly numbers.
Monthly Oil Tickets
Use a date range to see all monthly tickets for a site.
Monthly Oil Statement Purchaser Maintenance
Set up a purchaser statement so that it can be imported into Prams.
Monthly Oil Statement Import or Edit
Import for the first time a Purchaser statement into Prams or Edit previous imports.
Monthly Oil Statement Reconciliation
Once a statement is imported compare volumes from daily data to the statement finding any discrepancies.
Monthly Allocation Setup
Create new allocations for your monthly process.
Monthly Partner Reporting
Once Partner Sites have been established, reports can be created.
Modify completed products and change starting inventories.
Regulatory Reports
Run the official reports for the federal and states reporting agencies.

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