Site Maintenance

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Revision as of 17:01, 14 May 2019 by Cody Gallagher (talk | contribs) (Adding a Well)
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Vewing and Adding Sites

Tree View

As sites are created they will be stored in a tree view to the left.

When you first enter site maintenance the tree view will be blank. To add a well see #Adding a Well

Click on a Site to view/edit. Clicking on another Site displays the new Site in the same relative screen position.

If a change was made the 'Save changes to site?' prompt will display prior to moving to the new Site.

This navigation enables quick review of Site information in a focused manner.

Selecting Change How I View Sites will open the Configure Site View window:
Configure Site View

The default layout will be displayed in State\Field order. To select an available option click and drag it to the current view box.

There is also an option to Add a Comparison from a field drop-down list that will use a comparison, of 'equals' (=) or 'not-equal'(<>), to any given value.

Adding a Well

Add site.png

To add a site select the Add button under the tree view.

This will bring up the window to the left and required the following inputs.