Run Ticket Reconciliation

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With this tool you will be able to import a purchaser statement directly into PRAMS. It will then automatically show how many run tickets are missing and show any high or low variances depending on the threshold set.


From Monthly Processes in the menu select the Run Ticket Reconciliation. This will bring you to the first screen of the wizard, the Import.

This screen will be the parameters needed to start the process. For Period select the month that will be affected.

The Purchaser can be selected from the drop-down menu. This process will have to be done multiple times per purchaser as it can only run one at a time.

Finally select the file from the browser and select open.

Select start import to continue.

Purchaser Check

After continuing from the import screen and a purchaser is not found on a ticket for the period you will be directed to this screen.

This section will only look at tickets that have no purchaser associated with them. The tickets must have a valid purchaser or it will be excluded.

After all tickets have the appropriate purchaser click next to save and continue.

Ticket Errors and Variances


If all purchasers have been filled out on each ticket you will arrive at this screen. If not this will be the next screen after purchasers have been set up.

This section will be the main part of the wizard showing any errors or variances that have occurred during the import. All panels will be searchable using the icon.

Errors displayed will be separated into two grids, PRAMS Tickets Not Found In Statement and Statement Tickets Not Found In PRAMS.

The PRAMS section will show any run ticket that does not have a match for the statement provided.

The Statement section will show any sites that do not have a match in the PRAMS database. An example could be a site that does not belong to the company.

All errors must be addressed as it could result in them being excluded from the final summary causing a difference from what the actual total may be.


The variance section will be controlled by a threshold set. In the top left the variance can be set by Volume or Percentage then by a variable.

The tickets that have a match with little to no variance will be displayed at the bottom showing that nothing needs to be done on them.

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