Helpful Queries
Revision as of 15:16, 27 February 2020 by Cody Gallagher (talk | contribs)
This page contains queries that have been found useful for Prams users.
◄ QueryX2
To use one of the queries below, copy all the data and paste into QueryX2, change the parameters, then run the query.
If you are having difficulties running a query or need a new query built, call Prams at 303-904-6855.
Start and End Lease total Inventories. | #TOTAL 5 6
--Change these parameters:
#DEFINE :AGR='The Lease #'
#DEFINE :PDT='mm/dd/yyyy'
SELECT s.user_ref,,md.prod_date, md.start_bal, md.end_bal
FROM md_product md
LEFT JOIN site s ON md.site_id = s.site_id
LEFT JOIN product p On md.product_id = p.product_id
WHERE md.product_id IN
(SELECT product_id FROM product
WHERE site_id = md.site_id AND [type] = 'OIL' AND name = 'OIL' )
AND s.[site_type] IN ('WEL')
AND md.prod_date >= :PDT
AND s.site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM site_agree WHERE [value] = :AGR)
ORDER BY s.user_ref, prod_date |
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