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Admin \ User Role Management

A Role is a set of PERMISSIONS or authority a user has throughout the PRAMS Plus suite.   Basically, the Role dictates "What authority does this type of User have."  The PRAMS Plus suite is delivered with 5 Roles: Administrator, Analyst, Data Viewer, Pumper, and Supervisor.  All but the Administrator may be modified or deleted.  You may view what permissions exist for each role by clicking on one of the displayed Roles. Additionally, Roles are user defined and unlimited. The User Role Management process screen is shown below. The Roles are on the left, the permissions in the center and the Users assigned the Role in question are listed on the right.

Role definition consists of the following nine categories: Administrative, General, Daily, Monthly, Regulatory Reporting, Imports, PumperX2, InsightX2 and QueryX2.

Click New Role to begin creating a role. When creating a new Role, all the permissions are initially set to No Access. To alter or add permissions, use the dropdown arrow to select a desired authority. While most items only allow access or deny access, some items will allow adding, editing, or deleting in the option. These few items may have additional choices available to use. Click on the small down arrow in each box to view the allowable options available for that tab. Click Save Changes when done.

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