Route Editor

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Adding routes to PRAMS and then assigning them wells is paramount when trying to organize multiple sites.

Routes for Pumpers are created by using the ANALYSTX2 module. To add a route using the ANALYSTX2 module, click on Site, then Route Editor as seen below.


The following screen will appear.

AnalystX2-route editor.png

The left side displays a list of the Routes currently available. The right side displays a list of sites assigned to the selected route.

Click the Add button to create a new route. The Add New Route panel appears, enter a new route name and then click the Add button to create the route.

The right panel will be blank showing no sites are under that route. To add sites to the route select Changed Assigned Sites.

Select sites.png

Select the desired wells to be applied to that route. Note that a site cannot be on more than one route!

Selecting a site that is already on another route will result in it being moved from the old route to the new route.