Helpful Queries

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Revision as of 22:09, 26 February 2020 by Cody Gallagher (talk | contribs)
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This page contains queries that have been found useful for Prams users.


To use one of the queries below, copy all the data and paste into QueryX2, change the parameters, then run the query.

If you are having difficulties running a query or need a new query built, call Prams at 303-904-6855.

Query 1 {{
  1. TOTAL 5 6

--Change these parameters'

  1. DEFINE :AGR='The Lease #'
  2. DEFINE :PDT='mm/dd/yyyy'

SELECT s.user_ref,,md.prod_date, md.start_bal, md.end_bal

 FROM md_product md
 LEFT JOIN site s ON md.site_id = s.site_id
 LEFT JOIN product p On md.product_id = p.product_id

WHERE md.product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM product WHERE site_id = md.site_id AND [type] = 'OIL' AND name = 'OIL' )

  		AND s.[site_type] IN ('WEL')
  		AND md.prod_date >= :PDT
     AND s.site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM site_agree WHERE [value] = :AGR)

ORDER BY s.user_ref, prod_date }}

Some text, then Template:Inline-code and more text.

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