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==<u>'''Starting Inventories'''</u>==
==<u>'''Starting Inventories'''</u>==
[[File:Corrections Starting Inventories.png|500px]]
If a starting inventory appears to be off you can update it by going into Monthly Processes > Corrections > Starting Inventories. The following will appear:
Monthly starting oil inventories for a site may be altered using the Monthly Processes / Corrections function. Click Monthly Processes / Corrections / Starting Inventories.
The panel below appears
[[File:Corrections Starting Inventories.png|600px]]
Highlight the desired site. On the left you can add the new starting oil inventory for the desired month.
When you change a starting total for a month proceed with caution as it will roll forward the changes for each month past the period you choose.
When you enter in you can see that it will calculate and add the difference forward. This will only change the monthly totals and not apply to anything else. If you need to adjust for the difference, do so in Individual Site Corrections.  
This inventory change should only be applied when it is fully understood why it needs to be done as to not lose the original inventories.  
Whenever you change monthly data you rin the risk of sending in incorrect data to the reporting agencies.  

Revision as of 22:33, 24 January 2020

This page is currently under construction. Information displayed may not be 100% accurate.

Corrections can be made to the finished monthly data, that can be done at any time. The starting Inventories can also be edited this way.

Individual Site Corrections

To correct monthly production data for a single well, select Monthly Processes > Corrections > Individual Site Corrections.

Enter the desired production month and analyst.

The same site selection screen will appear as in the normal monthly original entry. Select the desired site to correct.

Monthly Processes ISC Main Screen.png

The difference in Corrections from Prod Entry is that corrections will show what the previous volume was for the period to show the changes being made.

As you change something on a product, you can always see what it began with and what it is now.

Insert Prior Production Records

If there is a scenario where a site only had periods 02-20XX through 05-20XX and then needed 01-20XX this can be done by adding in a new period.

Start by selecting the site the site that needs to have added production months, but do not open. Select the calendar Icon Calender Icon.png and the following window opens:

Corrections Insert Prior Production Records.png

There will be a blank period added and you can select one, two, or three products. Then click Create Records and it will ask if you are sure for the date range select OK and the records have now been created.

If you need more than one record select insert period to make more, the gray box when checked will select all three products.

If you need to go back for one month use the arrows to do so if it further exit out and re-input the period.


Much like the Production entry screen the site corrections follow the same setup, again with difference of the prior numbers will show so you can tell what is changing.

Monthly Processes ISC General.png Monthly Processes ISC Gas.png Monthly Processes ISC Oil.png
Monthly Processes ISC Wtr.png Monthly Processes ISC Inj.png

Starting Inventories

If a starting inventory appears to be off you can update it by going into Monthly Processes > Corrections > Starting Inventories. The following will appear:

Corrections Starting Inventories.png

When you change a starting total for a month proceed with caution as it will roll forward the changes for each month past the period you choose.

When you enter in you can see that it will calculate and add the difference forward. This will only change the monthly totals and not apply to anything else. If you need to adjust for the difference, do so in Individual Site Corrections.

This inventory change should only be applied when it is fully understood why it needs to be done as to not lose the original inventories.

Whenever you change monthly data you rin the risk of sending in incorrect data to the reporting agencies.

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