Daily Production Report Summary

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This page will show you the Summary variant for the Daily Production Report

Manage Schedule Tasks Daily Prod Report Summary.png
Manage Schedule Tasks Daily Prod Report Summary Chart.png

The summary variant will display daily production, the 7 day average, 30 day rolling average, tubing and casing pressures, and comments for the site.

Each of the production columns will display BO and BW (Barrels of Oil or Water).

The top will show a total summary of all production for the day along with BOE and BOEPD (Barrels of Equivalent and Barrels of Equivalent Per Day).

The bottom of the report will display a 6 month gross production report for oil, gas, and water.

There is another variant of summary report that is a custom report, Summary: Area (Segregate Non - JPE) and this report will only work for the company it was made for.

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